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Jack Paar’s “Water Closet” Joke February 10, 2011

Posted by Mary W. Matthews in Humor.

On February 10, 1960, Jack Paar, the then-host of “The Tonight Show,” told a four-minute joke based on an innocent mix-up involving the initials W.C. The NBC censors decided it was dirty and cut it from the broadcast without bothering to consult or even notify Paar. Here’s the joke; YOU decide:

An English lady, while visiting Switzerland, was looking for a room, and she asked the schoolmaster if he could recommend any to her. He took her to see several rooms, and when everything was settled, the lady returned to her home to make the final preparations to move.

When she arrived home, the thought suddenly occurred to her that she had not seen a “W.C.” [water closet, a euphemism for toilet] around the place. So she immediately wrote a note to the schoolmaster asking him if there were a “W.C.” around. The [Swiss] schoolmaster was a very poor student of English, so he asked the [Swiss] parish priest if he could help in the matter. Together they tried to discover the meaning of the letters “W.C.,” and the only solution they could find for the letters was “Wayside Chapel.” The schoolmaster then wrote to the English lady the following note:

Dear Madam:
I take great pleasure in informing you that the W.C. is situated nine miles from the house you occupy, in the center of a beautiful grove of pine trees surrounded by lovely grounds. It is capable of holding 229 people and it is open on Sunday and Thursday only. As there are a great number of people and they are expected during the summer months, I would suggest that you come early: although there is plenty of standing room as a rule. You will no doubt be glad to hear that a good number of people bring their lunch and make a day of it; while others who can afford to go by car arrive just in time. I would especially recommend that your ladyship go on Thursday when there is a musical accompaniment. It may interest you to know that my daughter was married in the W.C. and it was there that she met her husband. I can remember the rush there was for seats. There were ten people to a seat ordinarily occupied by one. It was wonderful to see the expression on their faces. The newest attraction is a bell donated by a wealthy resident of the district. It rings every time a person enters. A bazaar is to be held to provide plush seats for all the people, since they feel it is a long felt need. My wife is rather delicate, so she can’t attend regularly. I shall be delighted to reserve the best seat for you if you wish, where you will be seen by all. For the children, there is a special time and place so that they will not disturb the elders. Hoping to have been of service to you, I remain,
The Schoolmaster

To me this joke seems designed to appeal to elementary schoolkids, especially the boys. It also seems as long-drawn-out as any SNL sketch, beating the joke to death and then stomping on the corpse awhile. I’ll bet a modern comedian could shorten it to 30 or 60 seconds and get two or three roars of laughter, versus the 18 tehees that Paar’s version gave me.

“The Tonight Show” was live in those days. When Jack Paar found out the next day that four minutes of his show had been censored, he told the camera, “I’ve been up thirty hours without an ounce of sleep wrestling with my conscience all day. I’ve made a decision about what I’m going to do. I’m leaving ‘The Tonight Show.’ There must be a better way to make a living than this, a way of entertaining people without being constantly involved in some form of controversy. I love NBC, and they’ve been wonderful to me. But they let me down.” And he walked off.

I agree. Even in 1960, people knew the difference between single and double entendres, and even Super Prudes ought to have at least had the courtesy to warn Paar. Having him discover what they’d done behind his back as a hugely unpleasant surprise was a deliberate slap in the face of the most successful late-night host in television history, someone who had taken a floundering show on the verge of cancellation to a hit show that is still on the air today.

Jack Paar left “The Tonight Show” for less than a month. After a newspaper critic wrote that Paar was washed up on television, Paar strolled on stage on March 7, looked into the camera, and said, “As I was saying before I was interrupted.…” The audience burst into applause. “When I walked off, I said there must be a better way of making a living. Well, I’ve looked, and there isn’t. Be it ever so humble, there is no place like Radio City. Leaving the show was a childish and perhaps emotional thing. I have been guilty of such action in the past and will perhaps be again. I’m totally unable to hide what I feel. It is not an asset in show business. But I shall do the best I can to amuse and entertain you and let other people speak freely, as I have in the past. Any who are maligned will find this show a place to come and tell their story. There will be a rock in every snowball and I plan to continue exactly what I started out to do. I hope you will find it interesting.”

There will be a rock in every snowball. I’m still mulling over exactly what Paar meant by that, other than “I’m such an iconoclast!” I miss the early days of television, though, when only the affluent could afford TV sets, so the lowest common denominator was well educated enough to appreciate Jack Paar and his witty, literate conversations with well educated peers. (Imagine today’s Millennials coping with thoughts longer than the average tweet, or understanding words past a fifth-grade reading level!)

I miss YOU, Jack. I kid you not.


1. Kelly J Kitchens Wickersham - February 17, 2011

We are watching the Pioneers of Television: Late Night and they mentioned that a joke of Jack Paar’s had been censored but they didn’t go into what or why. So, of course, I googled it and here I find your post! What a WONDERFUL story!!! I was DYING laughing the entire time I was reading this to my husband. I haven’t laughed this hard in a LONG time even though I am known for laughing all the time.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! for putting this here. I am going to share it on my FB page.

2. Ed Clancy - August 22, 2011

Mary, just a note to say that the Paar show was not live in 1960. It could not have been if they edited the program and showed it the next night. Networks starting using video tape as early as 1958, certainly by 1959.

3. CRAP: a slang term bordering on vulgar — Jedword - February 18, 2013

[…] sports talk, but not to public discourse.  Having remembered that the host of The Tonight Show, Jack Paar, was ousted for using the term “w.c.” on the air, it was clear that you couldn’t […]

4. Sherry Ilustre - August 12, 2013

Wow, what an elitist you sound like, Mary when you wrote
when only the affluent could afford TV sets, so the lowest common denominator was well educated enough to appreciate Jack Paar and his witty, literate conversations with well educated peers. << Did you
mean that being less affluent means less intelligent ?

Steve - June 4, 2017

Shelly, I think that is exactly what Mary was saying, and I agree with Mary 100%. Can you honestly claim that low-brow TV like the Jerry Springer show would have appealed to that affluent audience?

5. Peter - November 26, 2016

As was mentioned in a previous post, the joke was cut from a TAPE of the show (there would be no way to “cut” the joke if it were a live broadcast) and this was done with no notice to Paar who found out about it only after the edited tape was aired (I believe — like Carson — the show was taped earlier in the evening for air later that night, primarily to get a decent audience (hard to get a good crowd at midnight!) and to probably manage the union costs of a live show that late.

6. Smithb9 - March 7, 2017

I’m seeking weblogs which all have fantastic guidance on what’s popular and specifically what the top rated makeup is.. adddddgdaegegdec

7. Jim himself (@sailcara1) - May 4, 2017

Slippery Slope. Steven Colbert comments on c____ Holster. CBS has lower the standards. Where do they go from here?

8. The Great and Powerful Bob - May 15, 2017

Regarding “when only the affluent could afford TV sets”. That’s off base — By 1960 90% of U.S. households had TVs. Enjoyed the joke though.

9. Beth - May 31, 2018

Back in about 1967, one of my mothers close friends had this joke on paper.As a child then, I don’t recall if there was a source for this joke listed but my mother,her friend and I got the biggest charge out it. I never forgot it and just did a search on it by typing in, ‘Wayside Chapel.’ whomever wrote that uneducated individuals were basically TOO STUPID’ to get this joke IS a snob and an ignoramus herself. Even as a tween, I got it!!!!!!

10. Not-So-Family Feud – Tune My Heart - March 22, 2019

[…] not the only one to notice this. It wasn’t that long ago, 1960 to be precise, that Jack Paar got into a huge kettle of hot water over a truly clever bathroom joke that he delivered as host of The Tonight Show. That joke, which […]

11. Stewart Weiner - October 13, 2019

After nearly 60 years, I finally got the rest of the story. I was 13 when all this happened and remember the controversy it caused. When I could, I watched “The Tonight Show” with Jack Parr, usually on Friday nights during school and more during the summer. After “The Tonight Show”, I believe he had a Friday night show where, in December, 1963, he had the Beatles on tape.

12. Donna - November 11, 2019

It was a silly joke but there was no reason to censor it or him!

13. Frank clark - November 19, 2019

What a trash article. Carson was a serialist misogynist and rapist. Also, thanks for the garbage millenial slam. Fucking boomer. Booooo

Pythonissam - September 17, 2020

Oh No! A Millennial Moron Got Slammed! Boohoo! Could You Or Anyone Else From Our Generation Have A More Pathetic Opinion Than The Drivel You Wrote?! Shut Up! Our Generation Is Embarrassing Enough! Did You Know Mr. Carson Personally? Then You Also Know Carson Paid The Bills Of Others Who Were In Trouble And Needed Help The Entirety Of His Life! Like Paying For The Surgery Someone Needed When They Didn’t Have Insurance Or Their College Tuition! And Donating All Of His Money To Charity. And Unlike The Pathetic Bill Gates Or Steven Spielberg Didn’t Need His Name Put On The Building’s He Helped Pay For! Let Me Guess Your A Biden Supporter Too?! So Ignorant! Educate Yourself Before You Open Your Mouth!

14. Rick - December 23, 2019

Mary, Mary, Mary, your assertations that wealth and intelligence somehow go hand in hand is ridiculous. Vicious tyrants and criminals have enormous amounts of wealth, but that’s because they lack the moral filters most of us abide by. Have you never heard Trump speak or watch a “Wives of________” reality show? All wealthy individuals with no soul or depth of personality. The correlation may have been more of a factor in 1960 America than it is today where any moron willing to endure a great degree of humiliation and physical pain can rocket their net worth in an instant. As a fairly intelligent person run over in life by arbitrary legal decisions and the ensuing medical toll from said stress has left me destitute. The person with the highest current IQ in the world works as a bouncer in a bar in New England. Pretty sure that gig isn’t yacht buying income.

15. Pythonissam - September 17, 2020

I wonder how apoplectic the censors would get if a commercial with Amy Schumer talking about her flow was put on during 1960!?

16. Craig Wiedder - December 28, 2022

Just watched Jack Par on a re-run of the old Dick Cavett Show. I’m old. But after refusing to watch all the crap aired over the last 20+ years, I very much appreciate his ability to communicate with the common man. Watching Cavett do a reasonably good job of continuing Par’s work is my favorite evening entertainment.

17. workplace - July 16, 2023


Jack Paar’s “Water Closet” Joke | Half Wisdom, Half Wit

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